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Ana Chinchilla

"It is liberating to be able to move my butt without guilt, without shame, and recognizing that it is a part of my body.


Allow me to accompany you to reconnect with your most creative being.

Move your booty. It's yours!


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My body is mine


I am deeply outraged that men feel they have the right to touch my body for the simple fact of being alone. But of course, as they will not feel like that if, in most films, series, and soap operas, the leading man on duty sees the OBJECT of his desire in the middle of the track, he approaches from behind, caresses his back, and says in the ear any foolishness, to which she responds with a big smile ...

Some Reviews

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Gina Baeta

Twerk classes with Anchi are great! A space to disconnect and reconnect, to learn and have a lot of fun. Classes are fun, enjoyment, empowerment, camaraderie, feminism, community, energy, vitality!

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Natalia Figueredo

Twerk classes with Anchi are incredible. In addition to making dancing easy and fun, she creates a great space of welcome and respect.

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Veronica Nazarkova

It's not only dance classes but also of humanity. Anchi creates a space where you feel free to express yourself and learn many values. Besides, you disconnect and have fun moving your BOOTY.

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Charlas con Mamá


Talks with Mom, Ana Chinchilla's first book.
Ana invites us to reflect on love, relationships, motherhood and the meaning of being a woman t
hrough the life stories of her grandmother, her mother, and her own.

Press and Media

We Collab With

Espai La Tregua

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Intercultural socialization center. Artistic training and development of social projects.

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Project platform for social, cultural, and educational transformation

Aquí t'escoltem!

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"Aquí t'escoltem!" A service of listening, and accompaniment for young people from 12 to 20 years old.


All courses and classes require prior registration. Reserve your place or write to us if you want to receive more information:

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