Some Reviews

Gina Baeta
Twerk classes with Anchi are great! A space to disconnect and reconnect, to learn and have a lot of fun. Classes are fun, enjoyment, empowerment, camaraderie, feminism, community, energy, vitality!

Natalia Figueredo
Twerk classes with Anchi are incredible. In addition to making dancing easy and fun, she creates a great space of welcome and respect.

Veronica Nazarkova
It's not only dance classes but also of humanity. Anchi creates a space where you feel free to express yourself and learn many values. Besides, you disconnect and have fun moving your BOOTY.
Rachel Riba Rossy
Creator of Lola Vendetta
Victòria Bonet Left
Passionate about life
Angelica Castro
Actress, writer and director
Maria Elisa Gonzalez
Creator of Activate Yoga Colombia
Agathe Desitter
Life lover

Adriana Irurita
Twerk & Booty Dance have allowed me to reconnect with my body, accept it, taking care, and love it. Make me feel sexy and empowered, and not feel ashamed about it.
It has made me re-discover myself, as well as exercise muscles that I did not even know existed.
Dancing makes me happy and happy is what I most want to be in life!!
Elisabeth Canal
For me, twerk has been a fantastic and empowering discovery. Positively return to relate-me with my booty, with whom I had a great disconnection because I never fulfilled the cannons of beauty.
Anchi classes are an explosion of energy, good vibes, and also respect and listening. She generates a beautiful space of safety and learning.
To me, twerk has contributed to self-connection and strength!
Empowering twerk!
I signed up for twerking classes for doing a new activity, and I thought it was going to be just fun. But not, it has been much more.
Meeting the mirror, discovering that my booty (so far something I wanted to forget was there) responds to orders, such as moving each gluteus separately, ... All in a comfortable space, with a patient Anchi, guiding this process of self-knowledge.